Want to see a real-life sustainable post-fossil fuel community in action? We offer tours of Living Energy Farm about once a month. Usually our tours happen on Monday afternoons, but we can schedule tours at other times for groups. If you are interested in joining a tour, email us livingenergyfarm at gmail. Please email or text before coming out for a tour, so we know to expect you. Suggested donation for the tour is $25 per person, but no one is turned away for lack of funds.
Please be aware that our farm is a half a mile from Bibb Store Rd. Our driveway is dirt and grass and we generally do not drive to the farmhouse. If you come for a tour, please leave enough time to walk to the farm after you park (it takes about ten minutes), and bring a sun hat/umbrella/water bottle/whatever else you need for the weather.
Our address is 1022 Bibb Store Rd, but GPS often sends people to our neighbour’s driveway. Our driveway has a sign that says “Living Energy Farm” at the end, and is directly across from our mailbox (1022). Park at the top of the hill where you see other vehicles, and walk on back. Send a text to 540 205 9815 if you have any questions or you’re having trouble finding us.
Tour dates for 2025: (Tours begin at 1:30 at the farmhouse.)